Bass fishing takes the heart of many anglers. Although wintertime weather can be less desirable than a warm summer day, that doesn’t mean you can’t still put fish in the boat.
Bass fishing over the winter can be more challenging but also more rewarding. Fish don’t want to chase baits like they might while the water is warm. But don’t let that detour you from targeting this species in those cooler months.
FishTheMoment Youtube channel brings bass fishing education to the next level. Follow Jonny Schultz as he explains the ins and outs of offshore fishing for winter bass. In this video, Jonny covers everything from location, weather, and water conditions to equipment and boat position.
Don’t forget to check out FishTheMoment Youtube channel and give him a like and subscribe. Jonny is always giving further insite into targeting bigger bass and finding them in difficult times of the year.
Also, check out for more information and tips on catching bass any time of the year.
If you are wondering what other species to target in wintertime check out these tips and tricks for wintertime fishing
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