Utah Bans Trail Cameras Starting in the 2022 Hunting Seasons
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Utah becomes the next state to ban the use of trail cams during the hunting season.
The Ban On Trail Cams
UDWR (Utah Division of Wildlife Resources) surveyed 14,000 big game hunters to gather information on how hunters view trail cams. The majority of those surveyed opposed the use of transmitting trail cams.
Although the survey showed that most of the public is against the use of transmitting trail cams, UDWR has decided to ban all use of trail cams (transmitting or not) for the taking of big game animals between July 31 and December 31 starting in 2022. This ban does not apply to government or educational organizations gathering wildlife information. It will also still allow private property owners to monitor their property for trespass or active agricultural operations.
Along with banning the use of trail cams. UDWR also voted to prohibit the sales of purchase of trail cam data to aid in or attempt to the taking of big game animals.
Other Changes
One last major change is that UDWR will now prohibit the use of any night-vision devices used to locate big game animals. As we have seen in other states, this will begin 48 hours before any big game hunt opens and will last until 48 hours after a big game hunt has ended.
Final Word
These changes seem to be getting more and more common among the states. New laws and regulations such as these directly target fair chase and how technology aids in the taking of animals. while I might agree with some of the new regulations put in place, it seems there are some other options to study the impact trail cams actually have on big game animals.
What do you think about these states’ ban on tail cams? Do you agree that trail cams provide a clear advantage to the hunter, which violates fair-chase ethics?