Tips to gain permission for hunting and fishing on private land
Serious hunters and anglers know that scouting is paramount, you get out what you put in and the more spots you find the better your season is going to be. Perhaps the most critical component of scouting is securing permission from private landowners. The private land layers available on FarWide are perfect for targeting landowners in your hunting area. If you find where you want to be but can’t secure permission to get there you’re back at square one. For that reason, it is important to have a game plan when approaching a new landowner. Here are a few tips from FarWide to help get more landowners to give you the green light next season.

When meeting with a landowner it is important to be professional. You are approaching someone on their own land without warning, they are going to be wary. Avoid approaching landowners in full camo or tattered hunting clothing and offer a handshake with a smile. Don’t rush to ask permission, often landowners know what you are looking for as soon as you pull in the driveway. Take a moment to introduce yourself to the landowner and let them dictate the speed of the conversation. If you are with a group of people, designate one person to approach the landowner. This person can run the conversation and make mention of the friends in the car or bring them in if the landowner wants to meet everyone.
Know where you are
Landowners know their land front to back and if you want to be able to have a real conversation about getting out there, you need to also. Of course, you haven’t been on the land yet so use landmarks to describe the area you want to access. It is important to know where major bodies of water are, where hedgerows run and even what crops are in the area. If you can accurately describe where you plan to be landowners will see that you know enough about the property to be a good steward of the land. If you struggle to describe the area, ask the landowner if they will look at a map with you. The FarWide app can help visualize property boundaries and land features.
Be clear on your intentions
When you do get to the point of asking permission, be specific about when, where, and with who you would like to access the property. On the same note if the landowner does give you permission, make sure you are clear on the limitations. Discuss things like where to park, if you should call before or after your trip, and who else has permission. It is important to adhere to your agreement so that next time the landowner knows you can be trusted.
Have a few tricks up your sleeve
Landowners are not always easily convinced it’s a good idea to have you on their property so be prepared to respond when they say no. Try to offer a few more reasons it’s a good idea for them to let you hunt or fish. Mention your familiarity with neighboring landowners, offer something in return, or discuss your experience hunting in similar situations. If the landowner is hesitant because they also harvest from the land be quick to invite them along.
Take the bad with the good
When you are finished with a conversation whether it works out in your favor or not thank them for their time. Even if you get shot down the first time, make sure you leave a good impression in case you want to ask again. Landowners talk, a negative interaction with one can cause you to get blacklisted in an area.
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