A series of new economic reports released this week illustrate the true economic benefits that hunting and fishing provide in the United States.
Specifically, according to the reports, more than 53 million Americans who participate in hunting, sportfishing and target shooting activities spent more than $93.5 billion on gear, licenses, travel, clothing, gas and other sporting-related products and services in 2016. These sportsmen and women constituted 16.5 percent of the population and added $119 billion in total value to the nation’s GDP. Their outdoor-related activities supported 1.6 million jobs, provided $72 billion in salaries and wages, and generated nearly $20 billion in local, state and federal taxes.
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The reports, released by the National Shooting Sports Foundation, as well as the American Sportfishing Association and the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation, analyze expenditures made for hunting, target shooting and sportfishing gear and services in 2016.
Conservation excise taxes of 10-11% on firearms, ammunition, archery, and fishing equipment, along with boat fuel, have contributed more than $20 billion through the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Programs to support habitat restoration, management and educational efforts.
Learn more and view the NSSF report here.
Over the next two months, hunters and anglers across the nation will set out for upcoming hunting and fishing seasons including whitetail in Indiana, goose in South Dakota, Great Lakes salmon in the Midwest, and trout in Missouri. Discover more places to hunt and fish using the FarWide app.