FARWIDE ALERT: November 1st, Deadline For Wyoming Preference Points
Purchase a preference point only: July 1 – November 1
If a person fails to purchase a preference point during the preference point only application period or to submit a moose or bighorn sheep limited quota application for two (2) consecutive years, all accumulated points for that species will be lost.
Beginning in 2019, nonresident applicants no longer had the option to apply for preference points when submitting their initial limited quota applications for elk, deer, and antelope.
Preference points are a way to improve your odds of eventually drawing a license in a hard-to-draw hunt area. You can apply for preference points for:
• resident and non-resident moose
• resident and nonresident full price bighorn sheep
• nonresident elk
• nonresident deer
• nonresident antelope
How do preference points work?
In the draw, 75 percent of available licenses in each hunt area and license type will be allocated to the preference point drawing. In Wyoming, preference points rank applicants pools.
The remaining 25 percent of available licenses will be allocated in a random drawing, regardless of preference points. The random drawing is intended to provide everyone who applies a chance of drawing a license, regardless of their preference point total.
Every applicant is in the preference point drawing even if they have no preference points. After the preference point drawing is completed, all unsuccessful applicants will then participate in the random drawing.
Youth can start to collect preference points but he or she has to be at least eleven (11) years old at the time of submitting an application for a big game limited quota license in the initial drawing and must be at least 12 years old when in the field hunting. Youth can apply for preference points when they are 11 years old at the time of submitting a preference point only application and must be at least 12 years old by December 31 of that year.
Information found here: https://wgfd.wyo.gov/hunting/preference-points
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