5 Deer Scouting Tips for a More Successful Hunting Season
Doing some scouting before deer season kicks off? These deer scouting tips will simplify your scouting efforts. Plus, discover a game-changing strategy for keeping track of the spots you’ve found and saving your treestand locations.

1. Look for the Place Where the Trails Meet.
When searching for a spot to hang your treestand, always look for where the natural confluence of game trails. This can multiply your chances of deer passing through on their way to feed or bedding.
2. Look for Natural Food Sources
Acorns are a favorite fall food source for deer. If you find isolated patches of oaks that are actively dropping acorns, these are excellent spots to set up. Use your binoculars to take a close look at the canopy to see if the trees are loaded up with acorns or if they are bare. Persimmons or beechnuts are other mast crops that naturally attract deer. If you manage to locate an overgrown apple orchard, consider yourself lucky and save this spot for later.
3. Mount a Trail Cam over your Mineral Lick.
If your state’s regulations permit the use of mineral licks, hanging a trail camera over one is a quick way to assess what deer are in the area and when they are on their feet. Monitoring their behavior ahead of time is a great way to get a leg up when the season begins.
Before trying these deer scouting strategies, check regulations in your state using the FarWide App.
4. Spot the Signs of Deer Activity.
Look for recent deer signs such as fresh tracks, fresh droppings and cracked acorn shells. You won’t see much in the way of rubs and scrapes right now, but as the season nears, keep a close eye out for these giveaways that you’re on a buck’s home turf.
5. Use the FarWide App to Save Custom Pins and Notes While you’re Scouting
The FarWide App and in-browser experience can help you scope out great hunting locations, but it can do much more than that. While you’re scouting, you can mark the location of your treestand by dropping custom pins onto the map, which will help you find it much more easily if you’ve lost track of it or you’re trying to locate it in the dark. You can also mark where you’ve placed your trail cameras, where you’ve found recent deer signs, and where natural food sources are located. Add notes at each location to remember important details.
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